
Excel Export

Import and export of Excel is implemented by relying on js-xlsx.

Export2Excel.js is packaged on the on js-xlsx to facilitate exporting data.


Since Export2Excel depends not only on js-xlsx but also on file-saver and script-loader.

So you first need to install the following command:

yarn install xlsx file-saver -S
yarn install script-loader -S -D

Since js-xlsx size is still very large, the export function is not a very common function, so lazy loading is recommended when using it. The method of use is as follows:

import('@/vendor/Export2Excel').then(excel => {
    header: tHeader, //Header Required
    data, //Specific data Required
    filename: 'excel-list', //Optional
    autoWidth: true, //Optional
    bookType: 'xlsx', //Optional


Params Description Type Accepted Values Default
header Export header of data Array / []
data Exported specific data Array / []]
filename Export file name String / excel-list
autoWidth Whether the cell auto width Boolean true / false true
bookType Export file type String xlsx, csv, txt, more xlsx


import('@/vendor/Export2Excel').then(excel => {
  const tHeader = ['Id', 'Title', 'Author', 'Readings', 'Date'];
  const data = this.list;
    header: tHeader, //Header Required
    data, //Specific data Required
    filename: 'excel-list', //Optional
    autoWidth: true, //Optional
    bookType: 'xlsx', //Optional

Excel Import

Encapsulated UploadExcel Excel import component, support click and drag upload, also it is also Depends on js-xlsx.

It provides two callback functions:

  • beforeUpload

    You can make some special judgments before uploading. For example, if the size of the file is greater than 1 megabyte? If it is greater than 1 megabyte, it stops parsing and prompts an error message.

    beforeUpload(file) {
      const isLt1M = file.size / 1024 / 1024 < 1;
      if (isLt1M) {
        return true;
        message: 'Please do not upload files larger than 1m in size.',
        type: 'warning',
      return false;
  • onSuccess A callback function that fires when parsing succeeds, which returns the header and content of the table.

 handleSuccess({ results, header }) {
   this.tableData = results;
   this.tableHeader = header;