Roles and Permissions


Laravue's permissions system is based on spatie/laravel-permission. As the design, a user can belong to many roles. However, in the scope of demo project, Laravue allows creating user with only one role. You can custom source code to support multi-roles.

Creating user with only one role can be assigned

How it works

After logged-in, server returns all the permissions of authenticated user, then generates the routing table accessible by them, and dynamically mount it to router through router.addRoutes. User's permissions contain the permissons of user's role and extra permissions assigning to that user.

permission in UserResource


Logical modification

The control code of the routing level right now is in @/permission.js. If you want to change the logic, you can release the hook next() directly in the appropriate judgment logic.


Laravue provides v-permission and v-role directives to easily and quickly work with roles and permissions.

How to use

  <!-- Only user who has 'manage user' or 'list user' permission can see it -->
  <el-tag v-permission="['manage user', 'list user']">Users</el-tag>

  <!-- Only user who has 'view menu table' permission can see it -->
  <el-tag v-permission="['view menu table']">Tables</el-tag>

  <!-- Admin can see this -->
  <el-tag v-role="['admin']">admin</el-tag>

  <!-- Editor can see this -->
  <el-tag v-role="['editor']">editor</el-tag>

  <!-- Admin or Editor can see this -->
  <el-tag v-role="['admin', 'editor']">Both admin or editor can see this</el-tag>
  <!-- Admin has permission 'manage user' can see this -->  
  <el-tag v-role="['admin']" v-permission="['manage user']">Manage users</el-tag>

// Of course you have to register them by importing directives
import permission from '@/directive/permission/index.js'
import role from '@/directive/role/index.js'
export default {
  directives: { permission, role }


When using v-role and v-permission together, it will use AND operation.


You can find more examples here


In some cases it is not suitable to use v-permission or v-role, for instance the element Tab component which can only be achieved by manually setting the v-if.

You can use the global permission/role checking methods. The usage is similar to the instruction v-permission/v-role.

  <el-tab-pane v-if="checkPermission(['manage user'])" label="Manage user">User who has 'manage user' permission can see this</el-tab-pane>
  <el-tab-pane v-if="checkRole(['admin'])" label="Admin">Admin can see this</el-tab-pane>
  <el-tab-pane v-if="checkRole(['editor'])" label="Editor">Editor can see this</el-tab-pane>
  <el-tab-pane v-if="checkRole(['admin','editor'])" label="Admin-OR-Editor">Both admin or editor can see this</el-tab-pane>

import checkPermission from '@/utils/permission';
import checkRole from '@/utils/role';

export default{
  methods: {