
Charts are very important for an enterprise dashboard which provide a visual reprentation of data in various types, clarify information effectively, allow users to perceive information quicky,.. In laravue, we recommend full-featured ECharts. You can find many awsome examples from community:

ECharts supports the import of webpack, you can import the whole ECharts var echarts = require('echarts'). However, ECharts is not small, if you use only a few features or chart types, then it's recommended to import individually.

// Import on demand -- import ECharts main module
var echarts = require('echarts/lib/echarts');
// Import bar
// Import tooltip&title

// Import all ECharts module
var echarts = require('echarts');

Use ECharts with webpack

Include ECharts charts and components on demand

Next we will declare the initialization of ECharts in vue. Because ECharts initialization must be bound to dom, we can only initialize it during vue's mounted lifetime.

mounted() {
methods: {
  initCharts() {
    this.chart = echarts.init(this.$el);
  setOptions() {
      title: {
        text: 'ECharts Example',
      tooltip: {},
      xAxis: {
        data: ['Shirt', 'Sweater', 'Chiffon Shirt', 'Pants', 'High Heels', 'Socks'],
      yAxis: {},
      series: [{
        name: 'Volumes',
        type: 'bar',
        data: [5, 20, 36, 10, 10, 20],

ECharts is configured - quite simple.

In case you want to load data remotely (from API for example) then dynamically show on chart, we can trigger the setOptions method with watch

// The first watch options change Using the depth of vue watcher, options are re-setOption
watch: {
  options: {
    handler(options) {
    deep: true,
// The second only watch data changes trigger ECharts only when the data changes
watch: {
  seriesData(val) {

Depends on your business, you can decide to show ECharts in the suitable way.





There are many great libraries for charts, such as d3, Chart.js, chartist-js, which are not too hard to integrate to laravue.